Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Harvest Colours Show 2012, Oakville, ON

This will be my first Harvest Colours Show and I am very happy to be a part of it in October, 2012.The previous two years this event has had huge success. This show takes place at Applyby College in Oakville and is organize from the Appleby College Parent's Association. For more information on the show you can go to http://blg.appleby.on.ca/harvestcolours
Many Thanks to the Parents Association for giving me a chance to be a part of this exciting event.

2012 Harvest Colours

Sunday OCT 21st, 2012
 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

Appleby College
540 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, ON L6K 3P1

I need to get ready for the show and very soon will be back with some photos of my new creations.

A few of my beautiful new scarves from extra fine merino wool and silk 50/50. Some of the scarves are made with pongee silk or cotton guaze and 50/50 combination of wool and silk from Australia.

I made this beautiful winter scarf and named it Berry Field. It is made from merino wool from England and cotton gauze/scrim from Australia. Rae is a great fibre artist from Australia and she supplies me with the gauze materials for my projects. Thanks Rae! I love the way how the scarf looks, can be a wonderful accessory for your winter coat.

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