Sunday, May 18, 2014

Seaweed scarf

Seaweeds! Love the colours, love the texture!
I hope everyone of you will enjoy those beautiful colours. Another scarf in shibori technique. Today I was planning to felt a rock,a big one and use it as a chear or maybe is better to say sitting area.I had all my merino wool out and this amazing seaweed colours just said to me:"pick me, pick me", so there you go, one more scarf in my Etsy Shop.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Expired by the nature-Peacock

Amazing combination of colours! Love it! Scarf that looks like a Peacock feather and a little brooch to go with it. The scarf is made by using Nuno Felting and Shibori Felting techniques. Not very long, about 137 cm, but the brooch allow you to play with the design.
This is the second Peacock scarf that I made. This one is slightly different. In my opinion looks even more beautiful than the first one.

Прекрасна комбинация на цветове! Харесва ми! Шал, който наподобява пауново перо и малка брошка. За направата на този шал съм използвала две техники, мокро плъстене върху памучна марля и шибори плъстене.Шала не е много дълъг, около 137 сантиметра, но брошката позволява да се носи по различни начини.
Това е втория шал Пауново перо,който правя. Този е малко по-различен от първия. По мое мнение е дори по-красив от първия.