Saturday, April 26, 2014

Black and White

Very stylish and elegant scarf in black and white colours. I added a little details that make this scarf  unique and OOAK. The scarf is not very long, about 115cm with the fringes, but the little details make it easy to put around the neck.
The scarf is wet felted with a little peace of white cotton gauze in the middle. The cotton gauze and the shibori technique give this wrinkly look. Gorgeous, I think.
Незнам какво мислите вие, но аз мисля, че този шал е много елегантен и би направил всяка жена неповторима. Попитах една приятелка кои са любимите и цветове и тя ми отговори черно и бяло. Да си призная, бях много учудена, аз предпочитам нещо по-цветно. Започнах да работя над шала и останах очарована от резултата. Шала не е много дълъг, но малките детайли които добавих позволяват да се постави и задържи около врата. Малкото парче памучна марля и техниката шибори му предават този набръчкан вид. Работата с вълна ми доставя огромно удоволствие, бих искала да запазя за себе си всеки един шал излязал изпод ръцете ми, но немога. Имам твърде много.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Summer is almost here

We had such a long winter. I felt it is time to show some summer spirit and I made few beautiful scarves suitable for the nice weather ahead of us.
The first picture shows a bit of the felting process. Was long process, but the results are great.

Cotton Gauze, Merino wool, Soya and Silk Fibres.

I love the colours of this scarf. The cotton gauze is in Rainbow colours, the merino wool is in Princess blue. The little extra decoration with wet felted balls made the look of this scarf very unique. I worked hard for this look and am very happy with the outcome. I hope you all will enjoy the beautiful pictures. I am not very good photographer and do my best to take good pictures. The scarf is reversible. One of the sides is more shine than the other due to the soya and silk fibres.